Who Remembers

Who remembers cameras using film?

Who remembers taking the rolls into a photo shop?

The waiting sometimes a week for it to be developed? The anticipation? The hoping that picture of something special turned out?

Did you ever come home from a holiday and spend hours writing dates and notes on the back of prints? Or, did you put them in albums right away with side-notes?

I love that newer cameras and mobile devices allow you to check a shot before the moment passes, and that dates are recorded automatically. If you have location service turned on even where you are can now be recorded.

Years ago, when Mister and I did our cross Canada retirement trip, we had a digital camera which was a blessing for checking shots. At that time though, location service wasn’t even an option. Every evening I would download that day’s pictures onto my laptop, and we would name them before we would forget. In our defence, when you cover a lot of miles and see numerous highlights in a day, details are quick to blur and mingle.

I’ve pretty much switched to digital albums, because of storage space, but there’s nothing like having a photo album on your lap and flipping pages.

Have you stumbled across prints years later that you wish you would have taken the time to write on the back?

This just happened to me while going through some boxes.

Oh and remember the sleeves of negatives, seldom ever looked at again but too precious to throw away? I still don’t know what to do with them.

Do you get print copies and do photo albums, or just have digital albums?

20 thoughts on “Who Remembers

  1. Oh how I remember! My husband has been scanning our boxes of printed photos. I have them all organized by date. I couldn’t keep up with getting them all into albums but I did manage to make up baby books for my three oldest (birth to five-years old). Someday I’ll finish my fourth’s baby book, hahaha.

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  2. I still print off copies of my photos and store them in albums. I just enjoy looking at them that way more than simply viewing on my phone or computer. But I do like having a good camera on my phone, that’s a convenience I really appreciate!

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  3. I really like that digital “film” allows me to take tons of photos without a thought to the expense. The downside, of course, is that I have way too many photos stored on my hard drive. I’ve made a few photo books (usually with Shutterfly), which are easier that putting a bunch of pictures in an album and look pretty profesional.

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  4. I have a whole bookcase with photo albums! I love looking at the pictures from when the kids were little – all the way through junior high (and then suddenly it stopped. My husband decided the camcorder was the way to go instead of photos. Now we can’t play those movies since the VCR doesn’t recognize the formatting. One of these days I’ll have them transferred to a CD… We have a fire safe stuffed with negatives. Who knows, we might want to have prints made some day.

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  5. I was bad about actually putting photos in albums. I kept the album and the pictured in the same bag but it rarely happened. I love today’s technology. I can afford to take tons of shots even if I delete most of them!

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